Are you an upcoming or veteran Java developer looking for ways on how to crack Java developer interviews in 2024? With Artificial Intelligence existing in the modern day technology, it has become really difficult to clear java interviews as people are more focused on sorting out unproductive candidate

How to Crack Java Interviews in 2024

Are you an upcoming or veteran Java developer looking for ways on how to clear java interviews in 2024?

 With Artificial Intelligence existing in the modern day technology, it has become really difficult to clear java interview as people are more focused on sorting out unproductive candidates.

Don’t worry, you’ve got nothing to be scared of. In this blog we will discuss the various topics they ask questions on in java interview across all levels.

Moreover, this blog post is specially curated to help you how to clear java interviews. Stick around to discover the top tips and tricks to perform ten times better in your interviews.

We will provide you with the required materials, be it the list of the best java interview questions, or tips for crafting your resume. 

Let’s begin the blog by reading about some different types of Java developers and how to clear java interviews questions asked in those fields.

How to Crack Java Interviews? - Topics To Study

Which Topics to Prepare for Java Developer Interview in 2024

In this section, we will discuss the possible topics you need to prepare how to clear java interviews. Let’s start with core Java and then reach more complex topics.

1. Core Java

When interviewing for a Java Developer, it’s important to focus on Core Java subjects and deliver a complete answer. While not understanding any framework is not a problem, being unfamiliar with Core Java may be.

Topics To Study For

  • String Concepts and Hashcode-Equal Methods.
  • Immutability (custom immutable classes and examples in JDK).
  • OOPS ideas (all four pillars and the solid principle).
  • Serialization (serialversion UUID)
  • Collection Framework/Concurrent 
  • Collection (Hashamap, concurrent hashmap, ArrayList, HashSet).
  • Exception Handling (Especially Runtime Exceptions).
  • Multithreading, particularly Executor Framework, which contains ThreadPool (deadlock, Thread-dump).
  • The Java Memory Model describes how objects, methods, and variables are stored in each section of Java memory.
  • Trash collection (how it works, how it trash collects objects, and the method used to do so)

Core Java Developer Interview Questions

  • How do you make a bespoke immutable class? 
  • What are some instances of immutable classes in Java?
  • What are hashCode() and equals()? 
  • What happens if you use Object as a custom key in a map? 
  • How do I use it correctly?
  • How does the ThreadPoolExecutor work?
  • What are deep and shallow copies?
  • What is the Java Memory Model as of the most recent Java version?
  • The Java APIs Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort() employ what algorithm?
  • How does one construct a custom annotation in Java?
  • What is a CompletableFuture?What are deep and shallow copies?
  • How do HashMaps and HashSets function internallyWhat is a CompletableFuture?

2.Project flow and Architecture

In this issue, the interview incharge would want to assess if the candidate has any experience. If not, then they start asking you questions about your initiative. 

The interviewer will ask about its usefulness, flow, and architecture. They will also inquire about the tech stack, how it is implemented in production, and their function and contributions.

Please write down all you know about your project someplace so you fall short later. Remember, you are the only one who knows anything about it, so be confident.

Typical interview question would Be

  • Please inform me about your project’s architecture. Please describe and illustrate the architecture, framework, and technology utilized.

3. Java-8/Java-11/Java17

To excel in Java interview, it’s crucial to grasp the significant features introduced in recent Java APIs. A strong understanding of topics like optional API  is essential for demonstrating your expertise. Here is a detailed list of topics you should study:

Topics To Study

  • Java 8 features
  • Default/Static methods
  • Lambda expression
  • Functional interfaces
  • Optional API
  • stream API
  • pattern matching
  • text block
  • modules

Java-8/Java-11/Java-17 base Questions

  • What is new in Java 8/Java11/Java17?
  • What is a parallel stream in Java and how does it work?
  • What is the new improvement in the Java memory model, improvement in Java 8 hashmap?

To accurately answer this question, it’s essential to be aware of Java’s version-specific features. For instance, virtual threads were introduced in Java 21, while sealed classes debuted in Java 17.

4. Hibernate/Spring-data Jpa/Database(SQL or NoSQL)

A deep understanding of the data layer, especially Hibernate and JPA, is crucial for any Java developer. Being prepared to write SQL queries is essential to demonstrate your ability to work effectively with the underlying database. By studying this topic, you will thoroughly be able to learn how to crack java developer interviews in 2024.

Topics To Study

  • JPA Repositories: Relationship with Entities.
  • joins, indexes, procedures, and functions.
  • SQL searches on employee department queries and the highest Nth salary requests.
  • Relational and non-relational database concepts.
  • CRUD activities in databases

Questions You Can Prepare For

  • What’s the difference between SQL and NoSQL?
  • What exactly is sharding in databases?
  • What is a join?
  • What is a JPA?
  • What is the parent-child relationship?

5. Spring Framework, Spring-Boot, Microservice, and Rest API

Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Microservices, and REST APIs are extensive subjects. Expect a mix of fundamental and advanced questions in your interview. Strong knowledge in these areas is crucial for success.

Topics To Cover

Core Spring Concepts:

  • Dependency Injection and IoC.
  • Spring MVC configuration.
  • Annotations.
  • CRUD operations.
  • Beans, Scopes, and Profiles.
  • Bean lifecycle.
  • Application and Bean context.
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP).
  • Exception handling and advice.
  • Security (JWT, OAuth).
  • Actuators

Spring Web and Reactive:

  • WebFlux and Mono/Flux
  • HTTP methods

Spring Cloud and Microservices:

  • Microservices architecture.
  • Spring Cloud.
  • JPA.

Java Developer Interview Questions To Prepare For

  • What is the use of RequestMapping annotation?
  • What is an Actuator and its uses?
  • What is the use of RestController annotation?
  • How do you ensure that your application is fault-tolerant and resilient?
  • What is distributed tracing? 
  • What is the purpose of traceId and spanId in a Spring Boot application?
  • What are WebFlux and the Mono Framework in Spring Boot?
  • How do you make your application fault tolerant and resilient?
  • How does one deactivate auto-configuration in a Spring Boot application?
  • How can I secure REST APIs?
  • What is distributed tracing? 
  • What is the purpose of traceId and spanId in a Spring Boot application?
  • What are WebFlux and the Mono Framework in Spring Boot?
  • What is a cyclic dependency in Spring, and how can you avoid it?

6. Best Practice(Design pattern/Microservice pattern)

Expect questions on both classic and modern design patterns. Traditional patterns like Singleton, Factory, and Observer are common, but knowledge of patterns used in microservices architectures is equally important.

  • Circuit Breaker
  • SAGA
  • CQRS
  • Two-phase commit, BFF, API Gateway.

Mastering both classic and modern design patterns is crucial. While foundational patterns like Singleton, Factory, and Observer are essential, a strong grasp of microservice-oriented architectural patterns is equally important for career advancement.

Java Developer Interview Questions To Prepare For

  • Explain the Singleton design pattern and its use cases.
  • Describe the Builder design pattern and its advantages.
  • What is the Facade design pattern, and when would you use it?
  • Can you name two common microservice design patterns?
  • Describe a scenario where you would use a specific microservice pattern.How do these patterns contribute to the overall architecture of a microservices system?

7. Devops Questions On Deployment Tools(Kubernetes,Cloud,Kafka)

DevOps and deployment tools are frequently emphasized, especially in technical interviews with managers or leads. A solid understanding of tools such as Jenkins, Kubernetes, Kafka, and cloud platforms is essential.

Java Interview Questions To Prepare For This Topic

  • Explain the core components of Kubernetes: Pods, Containers, Nodes, and Clusters.
  • What is a ReplicaSet, and how does it differ from a Deployment?
  • Describe the role of Services and Ingress in Kubernetes.
  • How would you handle configuration management in Kubernetes?
  • Can you explain the concept of Kubernetes namespaces?
  • Differentiate between public, private, and hybrid cloud models.
  • What are the key benefits of adopting a hybrid cloud strategy?
  • How would you migrate a monolithic application to a cloud-native architecture?
  • Describe Apache Spark’s architecture and core components.
  • Explain the difference between RDDs and DataFrames in Spark.
  • How would you integrate Apache Spark with a Spring Boot application for big data processing?
  • What is Apache Kafka, and how does it differ from traditional messaging systems?
  • Explain the concepts of partitions, topics, producers, and consumers in Kafka.
  • How do offsets and consumer groups work in Kafka?
  • These questions delve deeper into the topics and provide a broader understanding of the technologies.

8. Coding

Stream API proficiency is crucial for modern Java development. Expect to encounter coding challenges that test your ability to effectively use streams. Practice is key to mastering this essential skill and increasing your chances of interview success. 

Study these topics thoroughly, it will stay crucial in how to crack Java developer interviews in 2024

Topics To Cover For

Stream API: Expect coding problems that leverage the power of Java Streams for data manipulation and processing.

Core Java Fundamentals:

Demonstrate proficiency in basic data structures like Strings and Arrays through coding exercises.

Sorting and Searching: Apply standard algorithms and Java libraries to solve problems related to sorting and searching data.

Java Interview Coding Questions

  • Implement a solution to determine the second largest element in an integer array using Java Streams.
  • Given a string, identify duplicate characters and their frequencies using Stream API.
  • Find the first non-repeating character within a string using Java Streams.
  • Extract unique characters from a given string using Stream operations.
  • Determine the longest string within a provided array of strings.
  • Sort an integer array containing only two distinct values (e.g., 0 and 1) into ascending order.
  • Locate the first recurring character in a string using Java Streams.

35 + Best Java Interview Questions For Freshers

35 + Best Java Interview Questions For Freshers

If you are looking for how to clear java interviews, then this list of best java interview questions for freshers gives everything you need to prepare for your interview!

  • How can you implement a Stack using an Array?
  • How do you reverse a linked list in Java?
  • How do you handle multiple exceptions in Java?
  • How do you implement a merge sort algorithm in Java?
  • How do you construct a bubble sort algorithm in Java?
  • How do you construct a binary search algorithm in Java?
  • What is a thread in Java? 
  • Give an example of how to construct a thread.
  • What is the distinction between static and non-static variables in Java?
  • What is a deadlock in Java?
  •  What can you do to avoid it?
  • What is an interface in Java? 
  • Provide an example.
  • What is the distinction between a while loop and a do-while loop in Java?
  • What’s the distinction between a private and a protected method in Java?
  • What is the difference between a String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer in Java?
  • What is a binary search tree? 
  • How can you implement one in Java?
  • What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface in Java?
  • What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy in Java?
  • What is Java?
  • What are the features of Java?
  • What is JVM?
  • What is the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
  • What is the difference between a class and an object?
  • What is object-oriented programming?
  • What are the four principles of OOP?
  • What is inheritance?
  • What is encapsulation?
  • What are the different types of variables in Java?
  • What is polymorphism?
  • What is an array?
  • What are control structures in Java?
  • What is abstraction?
  • What are access modifiers?
  • What are static variables and methods?
  • What are the final variables and methods?
  • What is a constructor?What is exception handling?
  • What are the different types of exceptions in Java?
  • Provide an example of Polymorphism.

Wrapping Up Words

Commit to studying all these topics, our comprehensive guide will help how to clear java interviews

Remember, practice hard and try to consume the knowledge rather than swallowing it .If you are a business looking for Java developers and are unable to locate the right talent? 

Then you should consider partnering with an IT recruitment agency such as Vanator RPO.  We can help you find the righteous talent! Good luck with your interviews!

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Java offers a robust and rewarding career path. Its versatility across industries and its continuous evolution ensures ample opportunities for growth and specialization.

  • You can clear a Java developer interview by studying these topics thoroughly:
  1. Coding Questions
  2. Devops questions on deployment Tools(Kubernetes,Cloud,Kafka)
  3. Best practice(Design pattern/Microservice pattern)
  4. Hibernate/Spring-data Jpa/Database(SQL or NoSQL)

Focus on core Java, data structures, algorithms, and frameworks. Practice coding, especially with Streams. Good communication is key.

Yes, 1 hour is more than enough to prepare for your interview. The major thing which controls the result of the interview is your confidence. Keep your confidence high, take a break, be calm, and then answer the queries raised.

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